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Announcing ring-clj-params

Feb 15, 2012

What is it? A Ring middleware that augments :params according to a parsed Clojure data literal request body. Where is it? Usage Leiningen In your :dependencies section add the following: [ring-clj-params “0.1.0”] Ring To use this middleware using Ring and Compojure, create a new Leiningen project with a project.clj file of the form: (defproject […]

Linkage 2008.03.26 PM

Mar 26, 2008

Python decorators demistified WuFoo Cares? Revisiting The Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering God’s memory leak Software testing death spiral Great Moments in Linux History Baseball – The top 50 for five years The Occult Experience The Death of the Relational Database The problem is that the people that created the semantic web were just […]

Linkage 2007.02.18

Mar 18, 2008

Joel talks about web standards<br/> Now there are all these web pages out there with errors, because all the early web browser developers made super-liberal, friendly, accommodating browsers that loved you for who you were and didn’t care if you made a mistake. The relationship between Python and Lisp<br/> prettyprint.js<br/> DADS<br/> Usenet: Reflections on a […]

Linkage 2007.02.15

Mar 17, 2008 some comments

Arc dictatorship?<br/> 5 more programming toolbox items<br/> Erlang criticism not bad?<br/> What I’ve Learned from Lisp<br/> Now before starting there, my experience with Lisp was about the same as most CS grads. I’d used it as an undergrad in a programming languages course, as well as an AI course on natural language processing. <br/><br/> Memory […]

Linkage 2007.02.20

Feb 20, 2008

Fastest Code?<br/> Abrash is a world class coder and technical writer, but he’s also not shy about explaining the perils and dangers of our craft, including the biggest problem of all– the one that sits behind the keyboard. A CEO on Erlang<br/> Erlang types<br/> The lack of formally defined structure types is actually not much […]

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