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A city is not a tree

Feb 22, 2019

While reading Christopher Alexander’s amazing essay “A City is Not a Tree” I was reminded of a page in one of my old notebooks. On that page I had taken some notes on some amazing computer science (and related) dissertations that might form the basis for a personal program design gestalt.1 In this post I’ll […]

Enfield: a programming language designed for pedagogy

Jan 21, 2013 some comments

Today I would like to introduce an idea that I’ve been playing around with as a thought experiment for years, but that has finally become a reality. Imagine a programming language designed specifically for teaching young computer science students a solid foundation in sound computer science topics as well as practical techniques useful in creating […]

#_(< (count common-lisp) (count clojure))

Apr 5, 2011 some comments

There has been some talk about the number of forms available in Clojure compared to Common Lisp. I find this line of thought puzzling. This is the same line of thinking that has been thrown at Common Lisp for ages — and the argument grows no more valid over time.1 The only reason that we […]

The long-lost art of thoughtfulness in blogging

Mar 27, 2011 some comments

Whether this blog qualifies as a thoughtful blog is debatable, however in my time I’m come across great examples of blogs that strive to further the quality of online discourse.1 The following are not always technical in nature, but they will teach you much regardless. in no particular order. totally dead (even if bitching) blogs […]

Moleskine Notes for August 2008

Aug 30, 2008

with-input-from-file (with-input-from-file “some-file” read-line) => “first line of file” The first argument of with-input-from-file specifies the file to read. Its second argument must be a procedure of zero arguments. With-input-from-file opens the given file and connects the default input port to that file. In this context it evaluates the given procedure. When the procedure returns, […]

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