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Marginalia needs a home

Aug 7, 2013

A long time ago I wrote a blog post entitled The Marginalia Manifesto that described my motivations for developing the Marginalia documentation system. While much of what I wrote about documentation still holds in my own mind, I have long since become a mere user of my own software. That is, what Marginalia does right […]

Announcing: core.memoize v0.5.4

Jun 4, 2013

core.memoize is a Clojure contrib library providing the following features: An underlying PluggableMemoization protocol that allows the use of customizable and swappable memoization caches that adhere to the synchronous CacheProtocol found in core.cache Memoization builders for implementations of common caching strategies, including: First-in-first-out (memo-fifo) Least-recently-used (memo-lru) Least-used (memo-lu) Time-to-live (memo-ttl) Naive cache (memo) that duplicates […]

5-3-1-0.5-year projects

Apr 18, 2013 one comment

Recently there was a wonderful post call “The joys of having a forever project” that was very motivational and got a lot of people excited. Due to that post I went searching around and found a whole under-culture of forever projects on the Internet including a SubReddit devoted to the topic. While I can understand […]


Jan 22, 2013

Code documentation is like raising kids; you can’t just bring a document into the world and hope it’ll fend for itself. The art of writing documentation and documentation tools is an ongoing learning, modification and improvement process. Sadly, I have been somewhat lax in the past year tending my documentation babies. This post is my […]

Map As Homoiconic Basis

Jul 23, 2009 some comments

While throwing out the idea in the title as a Twitter post, I was surprised at the seeming interest. Therefore, in hopes to open up a discussion, here is how I would envision a programming language homoiconic on maps.

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