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Announcing: lein-simpleton

Apr 9, 2013 some comments

At various times I’ve needed something very similar to python -m SimpleHTTPServer <port> readily accessible in my Clojure projects. Most of the time I just used Python but recently I’ve wanted to rework some examples from The Joy of Clojure and thought a simple Lein plugin would make a nice addition. The result: lein-simpleton — […]


Mar 23, 2012 one comment

What lein-generative is A Leiningen plugin used to run generative tests defined using the test.generative Clojure contrib library. Getting This is currently only proven to work in Leiningen versions earlier than 2.0. It might work with v2.0, but I’ve yet to try. Add the following to your Leiningen project.clj file in the :dev-dependencies section: [lein-generative […]

(take 8 (phil-hagelberg))

Jun 28, 2010 some comments

Continuing my series of micro-interviews with Clojure hackers I present Technomancy (aka Phil Hagelberg).
