ToriLisp – an ersatz LISP for tiny birds
When deciding to work on a side-project three factors are needed to transition from fancy to application: goal, motivation, and time.
Time is usually the biggest sticking point for me personally but with COVID most of what I may have spent my time on this year was cancelled. However, motivation was still a huge sticking point until I came across a couple of projects that helped propel me forward. First, I spent some time earlier this year combing over Mary Rose Cook‘s lovely Little Lisp interpreter code. Given what I knew about Mary’s previous projects it was no surprise that the Little Lisp implementation was simple and elegant. However, what I wasn’t prepared for was that hacking on the interpreter turned out to be straight-forward and addictive. However, it wasn’t until I re-discovered William Taysom‘s old Scheme-like language Misp that I had a form for the interpreter in mind. At the time of William’s original blog posts about Misp I was drawn to his passion and enjoyed the implementations of the language that he posted.1 Around the same time I found Paul Graham’s original Arc tutorial tut.txt and used it extensively to guide me in what to implement next.2 All discussion about Arc aside, I definitely appreciate the clarity and layout of the Arc tutorial and found it a great outline for a little language.
Finally, as some of you might know I dabbled in functional programming in JavaScript and even went so far as to create a couple of libraries pushing the fringe of fp in js; namely Lemonad and underscore-contrib. Some of the ideas in these libraries found their way into my own interpreter which ultimately pushed my code away from Misp, Little Lisp, and Arc into …something else — that something else I’m calling Tori Lisp — an ersatz LISP for little birds.
Here’s a very small sample of the language:
鳥> (let (x 3 y 4)
(+ (* x 2) (* y 2)))
;;=> 14
(def map
(λ (fn list)
(if (no list)
(cons (fn (first list))
(map fn (rest list))))))
鳥> (map (+ 10) '(1 2 3))
;;=> [ 11, 12, 13 ]
鳥> ({x y | (/ (+ x y) 2)} 2 4)
;;=> 3
鳥> (len "abc")
;;=> 3
鳥> (len {a | a})
;;=> 1
鳥> (len +)
;;=> 2
鳥> (read "(push [1] 'Z)")
;;=> [ "'push", [ "'list", 1 ], [ "'quote", "'Z" ] ]
鳥> (eval (read "(push [1] 'Z)"))
;;=> [ "'Z", 1 ]
If I wanted to present a list of features then the following list would work:3
- Functional
- Immutable access to JavaScript arrays and hash-maps.
- Function auto-currying
- Function introspection
- Bottoms-out at JavaScript structures and functions
- ML-like Refs
- Lightweight syntax for common language forms
If you’re interested in checking out the language then the ToriLisp Github repository has a quick start, test suite, and its own tut.txt.
Though the implementations did not make the Internet Archive it seems. I reached out to Mr. Taysom years ago and he was kind enough to send me the code but I hesitate to share it publicly without his approval. ↩
Consider this a form of README-driven language development. ↩
Currently ToriLisp doesn’t have macros though not because it would have been terribly difficult to add. Instead, I wanted to start with functional literals and auto-currying and see how far it could take me. I may add them at a later date but only time will tell. ↩
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