While listening to Starboy
by The Weekend I’m reminded about some codebases that I have to dive
into more deeply. When reading codebases, be they for fun or profit, I
tend to take a systematic approach to exposing them, described as:
- Get it building and running - not always as easy as
it should/could be.
- Change code to break it - Once it’s going I try to
make changes to understand how and why they break things.
- Understand all comments - Where applicable.
- Delete all comments - To avoid biases.
- Rename like mad - Going over the code I tend to
rename functions and structures to fit my *current( understanding. This
is an iterative approach as mu understanding deepens. In good codebases
my final rename matches closely the original names.
- Draw pictures - This is an ongoing and also
iterative process.
- Refactor code - Once I think I understand what it’s
doing I try and refactor the code to my understanding. This hearkens
back to breaking things. :p
- (Re) Add comments - Comments are added back based
on the understanding achieved (or not) and modifications made.
- Read, read, read - Supplemental reading is an
ongoing act.
Some great codebases I’ve read and mucked around with include:
Expert system shell and programming environment
- Emacs - The
bytecode interpreter is especially interesting
- io - Prototypal
programming language
- core.logic -
Logic programming library for Clojure & ClojureScript
- Fennel - A Lisp
compiler targeting the Lua runtime
- Factor - The VM for
Factor is pretty amazing
- Guava - Google’s Java
- 10 PRINT - A book about a tiny
fragment of Commodore 64 BASIC
Emacs Lisp
- Advice
- Function advice implementation
There are countless other interesting codebases to explore and over
time I’ll point out some more. These should keep us busy for a