Linkage is a weekly aggregation of curated information around the web.
The smallest (possible?) BASIC computer - Built by Grant Searle with the wonderful 6809. The article includes both Z80 and 6509 versions. Searle’s website is chock full of retrocomputing goodness.
A Glimpse into the Apollo Guidance Computer - a follow on to the guidance code recently pushed to Github. Also worth reading is an interview with the lead engineer of the guidance software system, Margaret Hamilton. Finally, there is also a book on the guidance system and its evolution that I’ve wanted to read for quite a while.1
Funkenschlag at Fifteen: The Story of Power Grid - Power Grid is a personal favorite game of mine.
Why the most famous people in history took long walks - my mind would turn to glue without my daily walks.
The Alan Kay Wikia - an attempt to understand the (densely packed) ideas and utterances of Alan Kay.
So Long Sucker - Rules for a (very) nasty negotiation game by Mathematician John Nash (mentioned in his biography A Beautiful Mind by Sylvia Nasar.
List of Maryland railroads - railroads are a recent obsession of mine.
Reviews in the comments welcomed.↩︎