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Fun.js – Bilby.js

Jun 4, 2013

I’ve written a book entitled Functional JavaScript due out in print sometime in June 2013. In the book I introduce and explore various techniques for writing code in a functional style using the Underscore library. As much as I would have loved to delve into the ecosystem of functional JS libraries, I didn’t want to […]

Fun.js – Functional JavaScript

May 29, 2013 some comments

I’ve written a book entitled Functional JavaScript due out in print sometime in June 2013. In the book I introduce and explore various techniques for writing code in a functional style using the Underscore library. As much as I would have loved to delve into the ecosystem of functional JS libraries, I didn’t want to […]

Fogus’s Tenth Rule

May 1, 2013 some comments

with all apologies to Philip Greenspun Any sufficiently complicated Clojure program contains an ad hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of OPS5. :F

The Devil’s Programming Glossary: Yak sweater

Apr 29, 2013 some comments

Yak sweat·er Noun /yak swet·er/ A framework that you created before a better framework came out but that you still use because you know it intimately. as in the line from Shakespeare’s play Much Ado About nil “Indeed thou did invent the wheel, alas t’is an oblong wheel thou hast creat’d. Avast and no longer […]

Announcing underscore-contrib

Apr 25, 2013

Although I hoped to wait another day or two to talk about this on my blog, circumstances have force my hand. Therefore, I would like to take a few of your spare moments to talk about a new project that I’m working on called underscore-contrib — an extensions library / proving ground for Underscore.js.1 TLDR; […]

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