I don’t know much about this, but…
The learning process is something you can incite, literally incite, like a riot.
– Audre Lorde
…I can learn more.1 And so can you. 2
Suggestions welcomed in the comments.4
My wife is a woman in tech and I try my best to listen and learn from her, but I can do better.↩︎
A huge thanks to Jen Myers for giving an eye-opening keynote at Strange Loop 2013, thus inspiring me to expand/complete this post.↩︎
It’s not enough to say that you’d like to help. There must be a proper context for helping and an active desire for your help.↩︎
I realize that exclusion in tech is not limited to matters of gender, but I chose to focus on it here because it hits close to home for me. I would love to learn more about exclusionary practices along racial, religious and class lines also. Please comment if you know some good sources worth exploring.↩︎