When I first started using Clojure I was often very confused. My previous context before finding Clojure was one where things like Java, an object-oriented mindset and bang-in-place update models reigned. So, as you can imagine, that Clojure took a very different approach to modeling time and preferring functional composition seemed to me quite a hurdle to jump. However, with some perseverance and free-time little things about Clojure gradually started to make sense. For example, when I first encountered the “threading macros” -> and ->> I was mystified. I don’t know why. There was simply a blockage for a day and a half that I simply couldn’t overcome. However, at the same time I learned that in Clojure the comma is considered a whitespace character.

A ha!

That was it! I instantly understood how I could get over my blockage regarding -> and ->>. That is, I could just put some commas into the stitch point of the threading macros to visually show where the flow was occurring from call to call – something like this:1

(-> (/ 144 12) (/ ,,, 2 3) str keyword list)

But you know what? I did that for about half a day before I stopped using it. I didn’t need it any more. I had become enlightened in that tiny way.

Later in my career and long after I had seemingly exhausted my a ha moments I had the honor and pleasure of working with Stuart Sierra and Brenton Ashworth on a system that would, as it turns out, serve as the spark for some of the core thinking in Pedestal. During that time I was exploring the idea of event sourcing and felt like I was finally starting to get it when Stuart and Brenton showed me a part of the system that they were working on rehydrate its state based on a stream of sequenced events.

Ha ha!

While I had done it before, it was this moment that I really started looking at systems, rather than just programming languages and applications through a Clojure-focused lens. You see, event sourcing fit so neatly with “The Clojure Way” that I should have seen it all along, but for whatever reason it didn’t click. I suppose looking back on it I must have always known of the fit, but it didn’t click until that moment. Programmers, chemists, architects, engineers and physicists often have these moments of realization punctuated by a laugh. The mechanism is much the same as that of a joke or likewise a Zen story – there is a blockage followed by a sudden realization followed by a laugh.

Recently I’ve been working on a project that, to me, is the product of some long thought focused through a Clojure lens, the culmination of which has transported me into another frame of reference2 for systems building. Whether or not what I’ve created is novel is irrelevant, I’ve transcended the way that I previously viewed systems – there’re no turning back, yet all I did was to run some code, view a console message and say Aah…

These are the moments that we hope for as programmers. These three reactions are why we do what we do.


  1. Interfolation (v) The act of inserting ,,, into the stitch point of the Clojure threading macro for the sake of clarity and/or enlightenment.↩︎

  2. Arthur Koestler in The Act of Creation talks about these responses and how they relate to an unexpected unification between two different frames of reference. It’s a good read. Alan Kay discusses the same ideas when he occasionally talks about “something almost new.” The best discussion by Kay along these lines is probably The computer revolution hasn’t happened yet.↩︎