Moleskine Notes December 2008
Here’s how hash tables work for a simple rule.
(defrule example (point-1 ?x) (point-2 ?x) =>)
Let’s say you’ve got facts (point-1 1) through (point-1 100). When these facts are asserted, they’re stored in a hash table for the pattern (point-1 ?x) based on the value of ?x. If (point-2 53) is asserted, the value of 53 for ?x is used to create a hash value to look into the hash table for the first pattern. We then apply the pattern test to the contents of the bucket in the specified position in the hash table. If the contents of the bucket were (point-1 3) and (point-1 53), we’d only have to apply the comparison test for the correct value of ?x twice. Without the hash table, we’d be forced to look at all the matches for (point-1 ?x) which would require 100 comparisons rather than 2.
I’m still hoping to get a beta version of 6.3 with the performance improvements out in the next month or two. The major performance improvements have all been completed. Currently I’m tweaking the internal representation of the rules so that the addition of (initial- fact) patterns to rule will no longer be necessary. I also need to add hash tables to speed up pattern matching for situations where a large number of constants are used in patterns.
I have no mouth…
Outwardly: dumbly, I shamble about, a thing that could never have been known as human, a thing whose shape is so alien a travesty that humanity becomes more obscene for the vague resemblance. … I have no mouth. And I must scream. ![]
- Cool Hand Luke
- Tombstone
Let’s say that we want to enrich Java Sets so that we can do folds and foreachs and all that good functional stuff with them. Here’s a trait that defines the methods that we want to provide: trait RichIterableOps[A] {
// required method
def iterator: Iterator[A]
def foreach(f: A => Unit) = {
val iter = iterator
while (iter.hasNext) f(
def foldLeft[B](seed: B)(f: (B, A) => B) = {
var result = seed
foreach(e => result = f(result, e))
Let me fire up the Scala Interpreter to play with this. I am going to mix the trait into a HashSet, and then do some operation on the Set; let’s see how that plays out:
scala> val richSet = new HashSet[Int] with RichIterableOps[Int]
richSet: java.util.HashSet[Int] with traits.RichIterableOps[Int] = []
scala> richSet.add(1); richSet.add(2)
scala> richSet
res0: java.util.HashSet[Int] with traits.RichIterableOps[Int] = [1, 2]
scala> richSet.foldLeft(1)((x,y) => x+y)
res1: Int = 4
A new emoticon?
relationship :wrote has passive :written
"Stephen King" wrote "Pet Cematary" # This reflexively calls "Pet Cematary" written by "Stephen King"
"Stephen King" isa :author
an :author isa :person
# querying
what :wrote "Pet Sematary"? => :author
what isa :author => :person
who wrote "Pet Sematary"? => "Stephen King"
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