I have been attempting to introduce some low-ceremony programming tools and languages to my programming team at my job and thanks to a series of brown-bags and internal discussions have sold Scala for use in an upcoming project. It wasn’t functional programming, type-inference, case classes, or even the Actor Model that was the biggest win but instead embeddable XML and the fact that Twitter uses it… hey, whatever works right?
I have looked into Scala for a few months and on occasion attempted to put together a nice example of how it compares to Java. However, it turns out that Jim Weirich from Compuware presented a nice example for Groovy that I decided to steal and mangle to work for Scala (standing on the shoulders of giants and all that). The results are below, but bear in mind that it works much better as a presentation. Nonetheless…
Caveat emptor: I am still learning Scala, so I have yet to absorb its idioms, terminology, and nuances
import java.util.*;
class Clutter {
public static void main( String[] args) {
List names = new ArrayList();
names.add( "Mike");
names.add( "Marvin");
names.add( "Bhagat");
names.add( "Horacio");
System.out.println( names);
Clutter e = new Clutter();
List short_names = e.filterLongerThan( names, 4);
System.out.println( short_names.size());
for( String s : short_names) {
System.out.println( s);
public List filterLongerThan( List strings, int length) {
List result = new ArrayList();
for( String s : strings ) {
if( s.length() < length+1) {
result.add( s);
return result;
import java.util._
class Clutter {
public static void main( String[] args) {
List names = new ArrayList()
names.add( "Mike")
names.add( "Marvin")
names.add( "Bhagat")
names.add( "Horacio")
System.out.println( names);
Clutter e = new Clutter()
List short_names = e.filterLongerThan( names, 4)
System.out.println( short_names.size())
for( String s : short_names) {
System.out.println( s)
public List filterLongerThan( List strings, int length) {
List result = new ArrayList()
for( String s : strings ) {
if( s.length() < length+1) {
result.add( s)
return result
import java.util._
class Clutter {
public static void main( String[] args) {
List names = new ArrayList()
names.add( "Mike")
names.add( "Marvin")
names.add( "Bhagat")
names.add( "Horacio")
System.out.println( names);
Clutter e = new Clutter()
List short_names = e.filterLongerThan( names, 4)
System.out.println( short_names.size())
short_name.foreach( s => System.out.println( s) )
public List filterLongerThan( List strings, int length) {
List result = new ArrayList()
strings.foreach { s =>
if( s.length() < length+1) {
result.add( s)
return result
import java.util._
class Clutter {
public static void main( args:Array[String]) {
val names = List()
names.add( "Mike")
names.add( "Marvin")
names.add( "Bhagat")
names.add( "Horacio")
System.out.println( names);
val e = Clutter()
var List short_names = e.filterLongerThan( names, 4)
System.out.println( short_names.size())
short_name.foreach( s => System.out.println( s) )
public List filterLongerThan( List strings, int length) {
List result = ArrayList()
strings.foreach { s =>
if( s.length() < length+1) {
result.add( s)
return result
import java.util._
class Clutter {
public static void main( args:Array[String]) {
val names = List("Mike", "Marvin", "Bhagat", "Horacio")
System.out.println( names);
val e = Clutter()
var List short_names = e.filterLongerThan( names, 4)
System.out.println( short_names.size())
short_name.foreach( s => System.out.println( s) )
public List filterLongerThan( List strings, int length) {
List result = new ArrayList()
strings.foreach { s =>
if( s.length() < length+1) {
result.add( s)
return result
import java.util._
class Clutter {
public static void main( args:Array[String]) {
val names = List("Mike", "Marvin", "Bhagat", "Horacio")
System.out.println( names);
val e = Clutter()
var List short_names = e.filterLongerThan( names, 4)
System.out.println( short_names.size())
short_name.foreach( s => System.out.println( s) )
public List filterLongerThan( List strings, int length) {
for( n <- strings if( n.length <= length)) yield n
import java.util._
class Clutter {
public static void main( args:Array[String]) {
val names = List("Mike", "Marvin", "Bhagat", "Horacio")
System.out.println( names);
var List short_names = for( n <- names if( n.length <= 4)) yield n
System.out.println( short_names.size())
short_name.foreach( s => System.out.println( s) )
object Clutter {
public static void main( args:Array[String]) {
val names = List("Mike", "Marvin", "Bhagat", "Horacio")
System.out.println( names);
List short_names = for( n <- names if( n.length <= 4)) yield n
System.out.println( short_names.size())
short_name.foreach( s => System.out.println( s) )
object Clutter {
def main( args:Array[String]) {
val names = List("Mike", "Marvin", "Bhagat", "Horacio")
System.out.println( names);
List short_names = for( n <- names if( n.length <= 4)) yield n
System.out.println( short_names.size())
short_name.foreach( s => System.out.println( s) )
object Cleaner {
def filterLongerThan( names:List[String], len:int) = {
for( n <- names if( n.length <= len)) yield n } }
val names = List(“Mike”, “Marvin”, “Bhagat”, “Horacio”)