The year was 1993 and The Cleaners had just wrapped up a successful show in some Unitarian Church in Savage, MD. A few days later in Smoking Herb Studios the following song, FThis, was recorded using a standard 4-track in one take. The exact origin of this song has been lost to time, but there is little dispute that is was our last song together. There are also rumors of a 32-track Misfits tribute tape still in existence that was meant to be given out as gifts to friends for Halloween, but which was stolen by PDD when The Cleaners broke up. Reported copies of FThis and the legendary 32-track extravaganza often sell on EBay for hundreds of dollars, but do not be fooled my friends, they are frauds.
FThis (mp3 format, 2MB)
Guitar/Vocals: Me
Guitar: Matt
Psycho Drummer John