I am taking the Traff-o-Data approach to releasing software. That is, while this new WordPress based blog is potentially full of bugs and has a whacky color-scheme, I am dubbing it Modus Ponens v2.0 and then fixing things as I go along. In the next few weeks I will probably kick all worthy posts from Modus Ponens v1.0 to this site for preservation’s sake.

In the meantime, this blog will soon be accessable through the www.modus-ponens.com domain name, but will always be accessible via blog.minotaurcomputing.com/mp. Also, the site feed for v2.0 is http://blog.minotaurcomputing.com/mp/feed; please check it out.

This space will be constantly changing appearance, so don’t be put off too much. Feel free to offer suggestions for things that might enhance your v2.0 experience, and always report bugs.

Finally, the official email address for this blog will be:

em pee at minotaurcomputing dot com
