Mel Gibson Goes Forth
DRUDGE REPORT 2003®: “Director Mel Gibson has opted to market and distribute his controversial film ‘The Passion of Christ’ through his own company, Icon Entertainment, the LOS ANGELES TIMES is reporting in Wednesday runs. The film is now set for a nationwide release on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2004.”
It’s about time. It remains to be seen if this movie displays anti-Semitic views. However, the hype surrounding it will make Mr. Gibson a very rich(er) man. The link provided at Drudge leads to a subscription service for Variety. If anyone has a free link to this story, then please post it here. A bootleg trailer has been circulating on the net for a while and actually looks pretty sweet. Of course, the movie appears to be full of Hollywood peasants. That is, everyone is a super-model and there isn’t a single case of face cancer in the whole trailer. Next step: resurrection scene score produced by Blink 182.
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