I love Kurt Vonnegut. Everything that I’ve read that he’s written is a gem1 and his interviews are amazing. Except for PG Wodehouse, I consider Vonnegut the greatest writer of comedic depth-psychology in the history of the universe. I read very few biographies, but when I learned of the Vonnegut biography And So It Goes, I ran right out and devoured it in mere days.


That said, I’ve only read a portion of his books, essays and short stories. However, I will remedy this shortcoming in 2014 – the year of the Vonnegut. Here, in my research are my missing readings, in order of year written. If it’s not on the list then I’ve already read it; the remainder I will read starting next month. Those in italics contain Kilgore Trout.

Have you Vonnegut’d?


  1. Although my friend Brenton would disagree with this statement.↩︎