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Read-Eval-Print-λove v001 – Sakura

Sep 9, 2013

I just hit GO on the Read-Eval-Print-λove newsletter, so if you subscribed to the newsletter then it should hit your inbox very soon. For those of you who have not heard about it yet, the elevator pitch is as follows:

Read-Eval-Print-λove is a bi-monthly newsletter of original content and curation about the Lisp family of programming languages and little-languages in general.

Additionally, I offer ebook versions of Read-Eval-Print-λove through LeanPub (i.e. PDF, MOBI and EPUB). The price is very low, but I’d appreciate it very much of you can find it in your heart to give more.


Finally, anyone can read Read-Eval-Print-λove online at any time.

I hope you’ll enjoy. :F

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