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The Devil’s Programming Glossary: Yak sweater

Apr 29, 2013

Yak sweat·er Noun /yak swet·er/

A framework that you created before a better framework came out but that you still use because you know it intimately.

  • as in the line from Shakespeare’s play Much Ado About nil “Indeed thou did invent the wheel, alas t’is an oblong wheel thou hast creat’d. Avast and no longer wear yonder itchy yak sweater!”

RELATED TO: yak·shav·ing /ˈyak shav·ing/ verb

see more in the Devil’s Programming Glossary

2 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. F_D

    Knave! What fool’ry hath<br/> been wrought by dint of<br/> grotesque affections<br/> for thine yak sweater?<br/> A pox upon ye!

  2. brazilian hair sale

    Avast and no longer wear yonder itchy yak sweater!”

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