At various times I’ve needed something very similar to python -m SimpleHTTPServer <port> readily accessible in my Clojure projects. Most of the time I just used Python but recently I’ve wanted to rework some examples from The Joy of Clojure and thought a simple Lein plugin would make a nice addition. The result: lein-simpleton – I hope you’ll find it useful.


See the lein-simpleton project page for installation instructions for the latest version.


By default Simpleton provides a file-server in the directory where it’s run. To run:

$ lein simpleton <port>

Navigate to localhost:<port> and see a directory listing. Click around to navigate directories and download (some) files.

Running the echo server

Simpleton can also run an echo server that reflects the incomming HTTP headers back as EDN data.

$ lein simpleton <port> echo

Navigating to localhost:<port> to download an EDN file.

Running the hello server

Simpleton can also run a “Hello” server that just returns a canned text string.

$ lein simpleton <port> hello

Navigating to localhost:<port> to see the message.

That’s all for now.
