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Moleskine Notes for Sept. 2008

Sep 30, 2008


  1. Language describing a scanner
  2. Language to create Word of Dog parser

Goals for 2009

  1. Emacs proficiency
  2. Read at least one Jane Austen novel

Polyglot projects?

1802 emulator Maze generator WFE Elite Trader dnd

Testing Haikeeba 3

import fogus.haikeeba.core._
val mv = Move.construct().from('d',2).to('d',4).build()
mv.getFrom() == 51
mv.getTo() == 35

Ix Features?

  • Traits (because sometimes inheritence is not what you want)

2009 Books

var $s <- new FooClass


var $s <-

$s.func( list( a b c))


Stores comic archives, but provides different views into them.

/cmx/ /cmx/company/{company}/{line}/{title}/{vol}/{num}/{page} /cmx/timeline/{year}/^company line above /cmx/talent/{author}/{year}/^ company line above /cmx/talent/{penciler}/{year}/^ company line above


/cmx/dc/vertigo/Animal+Man/v1/1/15/ shows page 15 of Animal Man, vol. 1



Shows {company, timeline, talent} set


Shows a list of the companies


Shows a list of years


Shows a list of authors/pencilers grouped by role

Scala Odds

val odds = (1 to 10).filter(_ % 2 != 0)

Classical Music

  1. Jasha Heifetz
  2. Glen Gould 80-cd boxed set
  3. Mozart piano sonata no. 14 - no. 17
  4. Cesar Franck
  5. Edward Elgar Sonata for violin and piano in E minor, Op82
  6. Rachmaninov symphony no.2
fn foo || <- {
   out( got " " _s crlf)

Y-combinator in Scala

case class B[F,T](c: B[F, T] => (F => T)) extends (B[F, T] => (F => T)) {
    def apply(b: B[F, T]) = c(b);

def Y[F, T] = (f: (F => T) => F => T) =>
  B[F, T](x => f(x(x)(_)))(B(x => f(x(x)(_))))


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