Moleskine Notes for Sept. 2008
- Language describing a scanner
- Language to create Word of Dog parser
Goals for 2009
- Emacs proficiency
- Read at least one Jane Austen novel
Polyglot projects?
1802 emulator Maze generator WFE Elite Trader dnd
Testing Haikeeba 3
import fogus.haikeeba.core._
val mv = Move.construct().from('d',2).to('d',4).build()
mv.getFrom() == 51
mv.getTo() == 35
Ix Features?
- Traits (because sometimes inheritence is not what you want)
2009 Books
- Dostoyevsky
- Steinbeck
- Orlando
- Beowulf
- Lord of the Flies
- “White Line Fever” by Lemmy
- Lem
- Paradigms of AI
- Code Gen in Action
- Programming in Scala
var $s <- new FooClass
var $s <-
$s.func( list( a b c))
Stores comic archives, but provides different views into them.
/cmx/ /cmx/company/{company}/{line}/{title}/{vol}/{num}/{page} /cmx/timeline/{year}/^company line above /cmx/talent/{author}/{year}/^ company line above /cmx/talent/{penciler}/{year}/^ company line above
/cmx/dc/vertigo/Animal+Man/v1/1/15/ shows page 15 of Animal Man, vol. 1
Shows {company, timeline, talent} set
Shows a list of the companies
Shows a list of years
Shows a list of authors/pencilers grouped by role
Scala Odds
val odds = (1 to 10).filter(_ % 2 != 0)
Classical Music
- Jasha Heifetz
- Glen Gould 80-cd boxed set
- Mozart piano sonata no. 14 - no. 17
- Cesar Franck
- Edward Elgar Sonata for violin and piano in E minor, Op82
- Rachmaninov symphony no.2
fn foo || <- {
out( got " " _s crlf)
Y-combinator in Scala
case class B[F,T](c: B[F, T] => (F => T)) extends (B[F, T] => (F => T)) {
def apply(b: B[F, T]) = c(b);
def Y[F, T] = (f: (F => T) => F => T) =>
B[F, T](x => f(x(x)(_)))(B(x => f(x(x)(_))))
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