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Linkage 2007.12.13

Dec 13, 2007

Lazy programming<br/>

Lazy programming is a general concept of delaying the processing of a function or request until the results are needed.


According to our anonymous source, the initial Cloudbook model will be powered by a Via C7 ULV processor clocked at 1.2GHz, and come with a 30GB hard drive. It will ship in mid-January in two models, one of which will have a 1.2MP webcam. In general, the hardware appears to closely resemble Via’s Nanobook design.

Say Love with LEDs


Early DOS (not the one you think) manuals<br/>

Look here to find the true record of how DOS got started on its way to becoming, for a considerable period of time, the most widely used computer program in the world.

Alphanum Algorithm<br/>

Sorting algorithms should sort alphanumeric strings in the order that users would expect, especially as software becomes increasingly used by nontechnical people. Besides, it’s the 21st Century; software engineers can do better than this.

Photomosaics in Linux<br/>

Pixelglow Software<br/> Open source USB LED display<br/>

Study-worthy notes<br/>

In essence, with the Cornell method, instead of straight transcription, you’re creating your study guide as you go instead of waiting till it’s time to cram for the test.

S Combinator is injective<br/> Mathematics, Mathematica and Certainty<br/> Pure functional data structures<br/> Minty-boost iPod charger<br/> Adruino<br/>

The Origin of Spacewar<br/>

In a pinch, which is where they usually were, our heroes could be counted on to come up with a complete scientific theory, invent the technology to implement it, build the tools to implement the technology, and produce the (usually) weapons to blow away the baddies, all while being chased in their spaceship hither and thither through the trackless wastes of the galaxy (he wrote like that) by assorted Fenachrone, Boskonians, and the World Steel Corporation.

Fundamentals of CLOS<br/>

Kuro5hin am samrt<br/>

What may come as a surprise is that a number of academics recognize that fact, and cite Kuro5hin in their journal articles, conference proceedings, and book chapters.

DTrace performance<br/> Quagmire<br/> Scorched 3D<br/>

Common Lisp Implementation Surveys (plus Usenet thread)<br/>

There are ten real currently-maintained implementations. I judged this by seeing which implementations were currently being supported by prominent libraries and tools, by seeing whether there was active mail/news/etc. traffic about the implementation, by searching the web and asking around. Obviously this was something of a judgement call on my part. If I omitted any, it was certainly not on purpose.

Growable Language Manifesto<br/>

So I want to lay out a manifesto here for a growable programming language. Or perhaps it’s more like a toolbox for language construction. Or perhaps it’s a framework for experimenting with extensible syntax and extensible analysis. In any case, here is the vision.

Trolltech and Java<br/>

Jambi ships as a single Java library, or JAR (Java Archive) file, plus a handful of tools, including an interface layout and design tool, and an Eclipse plug-in.

A .emacs file<br/> CNN on the C64<br/> Future Combat Systems<br/>

Typesetting Tables<br/>

Table design can often end up being a technical exercise. What data do we need to display? Where is the data coming from and what form will it take? When was the last time your heard someone talk about lining numerals? Or designing to the reading direction?

Developing with Sugar<br/>

Sugar is the novel user interface provided by the XO laptop. Because screen size is at a minimum, frames were chosen over the more traditional windows-style interface. Start with a look at the Sugar desktop (Figure 4), which appears after the OLPC laptop boots. In this figure, there are five sections that are important to Sugar.

Dreamsongs essays<br/> -m

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