In general, teams are content to spend available resources in a manner consistent with the way others in the industry have spent those same resources.Wall on programming, scripting, and langdev
In Perl 6 all methods are virtual by default, and only the application as a whole can tell the optimizer to finalize classes, presumably only after you know how all the classes are going to be used by all the other modules in the program.A Hope tutorial
Practical programs need data structures and Hope has two standard kinds already built in. The simplest kind corresponds to a Pascal record. We can bind a fixed number of objects of any type together into a structure called a tuple…
Flot Javascript plotting
CL programs
Paul Stewart was showing off his RISC OS portable based on a A9 - cue Man in a suitcase theme music for those punters old enough to remember the TV show. According to Paul, it nearly didn’t get made as it took all his might to prise the A9 euroboard out of its little blue case where it was glued into.History of Italian Horror
Adventurous viewers are encouraged to track down Gianfranco Giangni’s Spider Labyrinth (1990), Mariano Baino’s Dark Waters (1993) and Francesco Barilli’s Perfume of a Woman in Black (1974). Waters and Perfume, in particular, are stunning films and if time and space allowed I would write extensively about them as well.