<p>With the little boy in the world, TV has taken on a dull luster, however I still have a chance to check out things here and there. Currently, my favorite show is something called <a href="http://www.survivorman.ca">Survivorman</a> that chronicles the adventures of Les Stroud. Basiacally, he gets a crew to drop him off in the middle of the woods, or mountains, or wooded mountains, with very little equipment (the last I saw he had 5 cashews, two pieces of jerky, and a match). It’s pretty straight forward from there as he attempts to find his way out of the woods using his whits. With my long-time obssession with living off the grid and survival techniques (although ironically, I hate the outdoors… go figure), this is the perfect show to burn an hour on. I finally got around to watching season 6 of Oz, which was fairly good, but still couldn’t touch the glory days of seasons 1-3. However, it did put the term “spooning” in a whole new light. Speaking of Oz, it’s interesting to see a bunch of the actors from that show hitting it big with a couple guys getting a lot of face time on <a href="http://abc.go.com/primetime/lost/index">Lost</a> and a little show called The Sopranos. Finally, I’ve been recording Heroes, but just haven’t had the urge to watch an episodes yet, but I hear it’s pretty good. That’s it… that’s all the TV watching I’ve done since the last TV post.</p>