Inside the big switch: the iPod and the future of Apple Computer : Page 1: “The cold, hard reality here is that the Mac is Apple’s past and the iPod is Apple’s future. It’s a shame that Steve Jobs can’t be upfront with his user base about that fact, because, frankly, I think the Mac community would understand. The iPod and what it represents—an elegant, intuitively useful, and widely appealing expression of everything that Moore’s Curves promise but so rarely deliver—is the Macintosh of the new millennium.”

Apple drops iPod battery replacement cost: “Apple has quietly lowered the price of its iPod Battery Replacement Program from $99 to $59.”

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IBM’s BlueGene/L tops supercomputer list: “According to IBM, BlueGene/L earned the top spot by sustaining a performance of 136.8 Teraflops”

uClinux-powered CompactFlash computer goes wireless: “The Compact Flash Computer is based on a Freescale Coldfire MCF5272 processor, and includes 32MB SDRAM and 8MB Flash, all packaged in a Type II Compact Flash Card. The device launched in August of last year, and gained a three-slot development board this April.”
