It is now 11:33pm GMT -5 and I am predicting a win for
John Kerry^W
George W. Bush. Based on the numbers spewed
forth from my Fogus Prez Picker
Decision Tree
software (v.0.4.7^W v.0.5.2),
Kerry^W President Bush should pull this one out. My software
finds that the two^W most important
states^H in determining the presidential election
are^W is
and^W Pennsylvania^W. At the
moment, Pennsylvania has been awarded to Kerry and Nevada is heading in
that direction.^U Therefore, I fully expect to wake up to an
new^W old president tomorrow. On a similar note, my
software has predicted that Ralph Nader will place in 3rd place in the
voting this term. I’m shooting for 50%^W 100% accuracy
with this version of the software.