Red Hat Support Done | Red Hat Enterprise Linux Migration Center: “Red Hat Linux maintenance and errata support is ending April 30, 2004. Why? And what are your migration options? A few years ago there was just one Red Hat Linux. As acceptance grew and Linux reached further into enterprise computing, one Red Hat Linux product could no longer be all things to all users. That’s why in 2002 Red Hat created what’s now known as Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Stable, supported, certified–Red Hat Enterprise Linux has become the corporate Linux standard.”
from RedHat today. As of the 9.0 version of RedHat Linux, there will be no further releases of supported free versions of the strongest, most user friendly, and largest Linux-based OS in the world. Instead, users will only have the choice of the RedHat Linux Enterprise Edition while will cost upwards of $179.00USD. Ladies and gentlemen, start looking into other options before it’s too late.
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